2554-04-18 - add inssider_0.1.0.0111_i386.deb 2554-03-28 - add broadcom-sta-common - update firefox 4.0 - update kernel 2.6.35-282554-03-17 - update /etc/remastersys/isolinux/isolinux.cfg.vesamenu 2554-03-15 - add /home/mama/Desktop/Jperf.sh - disable /etc/init.d/clamav-freshclam - add iperf, jperf 2.0.2 - add /home/mama/nic-led.sh - add dkms 2554-03-02 - remove avast - add clamav-virus-scanner.pdf - update virtualbox 4.0.4 - install clamav clamtk - update /etc/clamav/freshclam.conf - update kernel 2.6.35-27 2554-02-17 - update /etc/remastersys.conf - update kernel 2.6.35-25 2554-01-10 - update /usr/bin/remastersys - update /home/mama/install-grub2.sh 2553-12-23 - update kernel 2.6.35-24 - update virtualbox 4.0 2553-11-26 - update kernel 2.6.35-23 - install filezilla 2553-10-21 - installed ubuntu 10.10 desktop 32 bit - auto login with mama - update /etc/sudoers - disable screensaver, power manangement - add Control + Alt + Backspace to kill X server - update /etc/default/grub - enable Remote Desktop - update /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules - add /etc/udev/rules.d/75-persistent-net-generator.rules - update /etc/apt/sources.list - install remastersys - update /etc/remastersys.conf - update /usr/bin/remastersys - update /etc/remastersys/isolinux/isolinux.cfg.vesamenu, splash.png - sudo wget ftp://ftp.psu.ac.th/pub/thaifonts/sipa-fonts/*ttf -P /usr/share/fonts/truetype/thai - sudo wget ftp://ftp.psu.ac.th/pub/microsoft/fonts/*ttf -P /usr/share/fonts/truetype/thai - update /etc/network/interfaces - install stardict with Thai-English - install avast with PSU update - install R with epicalc - update /home/mama, /home/mama/Desktop - install many application and games... - update /etc/rc.local - update /home/mama/install-grub2.sh - update /etc/init.d/casper - update applets