This how-to guides you to install Windows Subsystem for Linux and using ubuntu 18.04 as wsl. Open Powershell, To change the execution policy to run PowerShell scripts, use these steps: 1.Open Start. 2.Search for PowerShell, right-click the top-result and click the Run as administrator option. 3.Type the following command to allow scripts to run and press Enter: Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned 4.Type A and press Enter. Next, download Files, To download powershell script files, run commands, cd $ENV:HOMEDRIVE\$ENV:HOMEPATH\Downloads Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile step1_enable_wsl.ps1 Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile step2_install_wsl.ps1 Next, enable Windows Subsystem for Linux, Run a powershell script, type command below, & ".\step1_enable_wsl.ps1" Do you want to restart the computer to complete this operation now? Type Y and press Enter. Windows will restart, after that you can install ubuntu 18.04, Open Powershell with Run as administrator option. Type commands below, Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned cd $ENV:HOMEDRIVE\$ENV:HOMEPATH\Downloads & ".\step2_install_wsl.ps1" Ubuntu 18.04 will install in c:\WSLDistros and open WSL console, enter new username when prompted. Finally, you have to exit from ubuntu console and then closed Powershell window. Using Ubuntu 18.04, 1.Open Start. 2.Search for wsl, right-click the top-result and click the Run as administrator option. Thank you. Wiboon 5-SEP-2019